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ESL Parent Page

English Learner (EL) Program

The population of English Language Learners is growing throughout the United States.  Enterprise City Schools is dedicated to serving all children and have an excellent faculty of teachers specially trained to assist these students.  Title III is the portion of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) that serves English Learners (ELs).  Through Title III, students who have a primary language other than English receive instruction in language acquisition and academic content. 

School Name Contact
Brookwood Elementary Catalina Schnaufer 334-393-9542
Ext. 1703
Harrand Creek Elementary

Lupita Mendoza
Rachel Smith
Kristal Neives

Ext. 2902
Hillcrest Elementary Mairead Shaffield
Violeta Wilkins
Jamie Coughlin

Ext. 3702


Holly Hill Elementary Hope Roehler 334-347-9700
Ext. 4901
Pinedale Elementary Genesis Danh 334-347-5460
Ext. 5702
Rucker Blvd Elementary Lorexys Hawkins 334-347-3535
Ext. 6703
Coppinville Jr High Jacqueline Ramirez
Mirna Jasso
Dauphin Jr High Gary Sims 334-347-1141
Enterprise High  Bernadine Segui
Janeth Garcia
Susan Markel
Central Office Sheree Hardrick
Markel Strawder
Anabella Velazquez



LANGUAGE LINE is a translation/interpreter service that helps our school district communicate with limited-English speaking students and parents.  The service is available in over 170 languages and provides immediate access to over-the-phone interpretation services for registration/enrollment, parent meetings, parent-teacher conferences, and other school/parent communication needs.  Please contact your school's main office to access LANGUAGE LINE services.   

Employment Survey - Spanish

Employment Survey - English

Home Language Survey - Spanish

Home Language Survey - English

EL Parents Right to Know