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Gifted Program


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DEFINITION OF GIFTED - Intellectually gifted children are those who perform or who have demonstrated the potential to perform at high levels in academic or creative fields when compared with others of their age, experience, or environment. These children and youth require services not ordinarily provided by the regular school program. Children possessing these abilities exist in all populations, across economic strata, and in all areas of human endeavor.

Gifted children are members of every economic, ethnic and social group. If you know a child who should be referred to the gifted program, contact your school counselor or Special Projects Center at (334) 347-4287.

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PHILOSOPHY - Anyone with knowledge of students' abilities may refer a student for the gifted program. Parent(s) or the referring person should contact the child's classroom teacher, guidance counselor, or principal to discuss the referral of a child for the gifted program.

A gifted referral team at each school receives and reviews for gifted services. The team decides the disposition of each referral based upon available information. If the team accepts the referral, parents will be contacted for permission to gather the information necessary to make an eligibility determination.

For each accepted referral, information will be gathered in the following three areas:

  1. Aptitude - Assessed through an individual or group test of intelligence or creativity.
  2. Characteristics - A behavior rating scale designed to assess gifted behaviors is completed by a classroom teacher.
  3. Performance - At least three indicators of performance at a gifted level are collected. These might include achievement test scores, grades, work samples, products, and/or portfolios.

The scores from these three areas are entered on a matrix where points are assigned according to established stated guidelines. The total points earned determines eligibility for gifted services.


Gifted Belief Statement