Frequently Asked Questions
If we live off post, which school will my child attend?
Placement depends on your school zone where your home is located.
If we live on post, which school will my child attend for grades 7-12?
Students will attend seventh and eighth grade at Coppinville Junior High School. Ninth through Twelve graders will attend Enterprise High School.
What if I have a child with a disability?
Enterprise city school system provides educational opportunities to students with disabilities ages 3 - 21. Our system ensures that a free, appropriate, public education consistent with standards established by state and federal regulations, will be provided to all students with disabilities.
How do I obtain a blue card?
You may take your immunization record to Lyster Army Health Clinic Immunization department to receive your "Alabama Blue Card". Clinic hours are 0730-1530 hours Monday- Friday. Phone- 334-255-7754
What is required for enrollment?
1.Alabama Immunization form
2.Copy of birth certificate
3.Copy of social security card (Optional)
4.Two proofs of residence
5.Copy of last year's report card or withdrawal papers from previous school
6.Court document indicating legal custody(if applicable)
7.All required registration forms completed in their entirety
How old does my child need to be to enroll in school?
Children must be five years old on or before September 2nd of the year he/she is presented for enrollment to be eligible to enroll for public schools.