What is your student learning?
Alabama students are assessed using a variety of state mandated standardized assessments. A description is provided below of state mandated assessments given within the Enterprise City School System.
ACT WorkKeys
ACT Work Keys is a job skills assessment system that helps employers select, hire, train, develop, and retain a high-performance workforce. This series of tests measures foundational and soft skills and offers specialized assessments to target institutional needs. As part of ACT's Work Readiness System, ACT WorkKeys has helped millions of people in high schools, colleges, professional associations, businesses, and government agencies build their skills to increase global competitiveness and develop successful career pathways. For more information about ACT WorkKeys, please visit the ACT WorkKeys website.
ACT plus Writing
The ACT college readiness assessment contains five curriculum and standards-based assessments: English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and Writing Test. The assessment is used as a college admissions and placement test and measures the skills and knowledge needed for first-year college success. Additionally, the ACT includes a career exploration component that stimulates students' thinking about future plans and relates personal characteristics to career options. For more information about the ACT plus Writing, please visit the ACT plus Writing website.
ACCESS 2.0 for ELLs
ACCESS is an individual assessment given to all students in grades K through 12 who are English as a second language learners to determine English language proficiency. The four domains assessed are listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
The Alabama Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is designed specifically for students identified as English language learners with significant cognitive disabilities. It is available for grade-level clusters including grades 1-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12. It is available in all four domains accessed with ACCESS for ELLs including listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The following requirements must be met to participate in the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs:
identified as ELL
identified as having one or more existing categories of disability under IDEA
currently participating in Alabama Extended Standards
disability precludes meaningful participation in ACCESS for ELLs, even with accommodations.
Alabama Alternate Assessment
The Alabama Alternate Assessment (AAA) is a performance task assessment administered as an alternate to the general education state assessment. The AAA is administered to students with significant cognitive disabilities working on the Alabama Extended Standards. The AAA is a paper-based multiple choice assessment administered in the areas of reading and mathematics in Grades 3-8 and 10 and science in Grades 5,7, and 10.